Basil Hiley
Basil Hiley, born 1935, is a British quantum physicist and professor emeritus of the University of London.
Hiley published a paper in 1961 on the random walk of a macromolecule,[1] which was followed by further papers on the Ising model,[2] and lattice constant systems defined in graph theoretical terms.[3]
After completing his PhD in condensed matter physics under the supervision of Cyril Domb and Michael Fisher, Hiley was appointed assistant lecturer at Birkbeck College. He reports of himself that he was particularly fascinated by John Wheeler’s “sum over three geometries” ideas that he was using to quantise gravity and felt that the “Einstein-Schrödinger equation”, as Wheeler called it, might be found by studying the full implications of the model which had been proposed by David Bohm in 1952.[4]
Hiley worked with Bohm over many years on fundamental problems of theoretical physics, resulting in a book published 1993, which is considered the major reference for Bohm's interpretation of quantum theory.[5]
In 1995, Basil Hiley was appointed to a chair in physics at Birkbeck College at the University of London.[6]
Quantum potential and active information
Building on the theory presented by David Bohm in 1952, Bohm and Hiley co-authored numerous articles.[7] In 1975, they proposed that the fundamental new quality introduced by quantum physics is nonlocality, they presented how in the causal interpretation of the quantum theory introduced by Bohm in 1952 the concept of a quantum potential leads to the notion of an “unbroken wholeness of the entire universe”, and they proposed possible routes to a generalization of the approach to general relativity by means of a novel concept of time.[8] In 1979 they discussed the Aharonov-Bohm effect which had recently found experimental confirmation.[9] Bohm and Hiley together covered topics such as quantum nonlocality and the measurement process,[10][11][12] as well as the notion of beables (introduced by John Bell[13] in contrast to observables).[14] Hiley and co-workers showed how, based on the quantum potential approach, ensembles of particle trajectories could be deduced that could account for the interference fringes in the double-split experiment.[15]
Bohm and Hiley interpreted Bell's theorem as a test of spontaneous localization, meaning a tendency of a many-body system to factorize into a product of localized states of its constituent particles, pointing out that such spontaneous localization removes the need for a fundamental role of the measuring apparatus in quantum theory.[16]
Bohm and Hiley called attention to the importance of the early work of Louis de Broglie on pilot waves and his insight and physical intuition; according to them, extensions of de Broglie's ideas were being developed that aimed at a better understanding than mathematical formalism alone.[17]
Introducing the concept of active information, they showed how measurement, with the collapse of the wave function, could be understood in terms of the quantum potential approach, and that this approach could be extended to relativistic field theories.[12] They described the measurement process and the impossibility of measuring position and momentum simultaneously as follows: “The ѱ field itself changes since it must satisfy the Schrödinger equation, which now contains the interaction between the particle and apparatus, and it is this change that makes it impossible to measure position and momentum together”.[18] The collapse of the wave function of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory is explained in the quantum potential approach by the demonstration that “all the packets of the multi-dimensional wave function that do not correspond to the actual result of measurement have no effect on the particle” from then on.[19] With P.N. Kaloyerou, he extended the quantum potential approach to quantum field theory in Minkowski spacetime.[20][21][22][23] Hiley and a co-worker later extended it further to curved spacetime.[24]
They demonstrated that the non-locality of quantum theory can be understood as limit case of a purely local theory, provided the transmission of active information is allowed to be greater than the speed of light, and that this limit case yields approximations to both quantum theory and relativity.[25] In work of 1987 and their book of 1993, they laid out why they considered the quantum potential to be an information potential. The quantum potential (information potential) does not act mechanically on the system, but rather influences the form of processes and is itself shaped by the environment.[26]
Hiley emphasised three aspects that regard the quantum potential of a quantum particle: it
- is derived mathematically from the real part of the wave function and is not derived from a Hamiltonian[26] or other external source, and could rather said to be involved in a self-organising process involving a basic underlying field;[27]
- is independent of field intensity, thus fulfilling a precondition for nonlocality;
- carries information about the whole experimental arrangement in which the particle finds itself.
He explained further:[27]
- “These properties show how the quantum potential is essentially different from a classical particle, so different that we must conclude that it does not give rise to a mechanical force in the Newtonian sense. Thus while the Newtonian potential drives the particle along the trajectory, the quantum potential organises the form of the trajectories in response to the experimental conditions.”
The quantum potential (information potential) links the quantum system under investigation to the measuring apparatus, thereby giving that system a significance within the context defined by the apparatus.[28] In a system consisting of multiple particles, active information is transferred from one particle to another, and this transfer is mediated by the non-local quantum potential.[29]
Implicate and explicate orders
Starting from the concept that “relativistic quantum mechanics can be expressed completely through the interweaving of three basic algebras, the bosonic, the fermionic and the Clifford” and that in this manner “the whole of relativisic quantum mechanics can also be put into an implicate order” as known from earlier publications of David Bohm of 1973 and 1980, Bohm and Hiley expressed the twistor theory of Roger Penrose as a Clifford algebra, thereby describing structure and forms of ordinary space as an explicit order that unfolds from an implicate order, the latter representing a pre-space as proposed by Wheeler.[30] More generally, Bohm and Hiley worked towards representing the implicate order in form of an appropriate algebra or other pregeometry. They considered spacetime itself as part of an explicit order that is connected to pre-space as implicit order. The spacetime manifold and properties of locality and nonlocality then arise from an order in such pre-space. A. M. Frescura and Hiley suggested that an implicate order could be carried by an algebra, with the explicate order being contained in the various representations of this algebra.[31]
Much of Bohm and Hiley's work expanded on the notion of implicate, explicate and generative orders proposed by Bohm.[33][34][35] In the view of Bohm and Hiley, “things, such as particles, objects, and indeed subjects, are considered as semi-autonomous quasi-local features of this underlying activity”.[36] These features can be considered to be independent only up to a certain level of approximation in which certain criteria are fulfilled. In this picture, the classical limit for quantum phenomena, in terms of a condition that the action function is not much greater than Planck's constant, indicates one such criterion. Bohm and Hiley used the word holomovement for the underlying activity in the various orders together. This term is intended extend beyond the notion of process, covering movement in a wide context such as for instance the movement of a symphony: a “a total ordering which involves the whole movement, past and anticipated, at any one moment”.[36] This concept, which avowedly has similarities with the notion of organic mechanism of Alfred North Whitehead,[36] underlies Bohm and Hiley´s efforts towards establishing algebraic structures that relate to quantum physics as well as their investigations into an ordering that relates to thought processes and the mind.
In 1985, Bohm and Hiley showed that Wheeler's delayed choice experiment does not require the existence of the past to be limited to its recording in the present.[37] Hiley confirmed this in later work in terms of an investigation into welcher Weg experiments.[38] Hiley has pursued work on algebraic structures in quantum theory throughout his scientific career.[30][31][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50] After Bohm's death in 1992, he published several papers on how different formulations of quantum physics, including Bohm's, can be brought in context,[47][51][52] as well as on the relation between classical and quantum physics.[53] He pursued further work on the thought experiments set out by Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen and by Lucien Hardy, concerning in particular on aspects relevant to the framework of special relativity.[54][55] Bohm and Hiley had demonstrated a relation between the Wigner–Moyal approach and Bohm's theory, allowing to avoid the problem of negative probabilities,[56] and Hiley emphasized its relevance to constructing a quantum geometry.[4] Together with Melvin Brown[57], he showed that the Bohm interpretation of quantum physics need not rely on a formulation in terms of ordinary space (-space), but could also, alternatively, be formulated in terms of momentum space (-space); Hiley thereby gave further evidence to the notion that the ontology of implicate and explicate orders could be understood as a process described in terms of a non-commutative algebra, from which spacetime could be abstracted, namely as one of several possible representations.[44] Hiley identifies the algebraic structure with an implicate order, and its shadow manifolds with the sets of explicate orders that are consistent with that implicate order.[52] The shadow manifolds are constructed by projection of the algebra into a sub-space.[58] Recently, based on a description of the dynamics of the Schrödinger, Pauli and Dirac particles as a hierarchy of Clifford algebras Cℓ0,1, Cℓ3,0, Cℓ1,3, he presented a complete relativistic version of the Bohm model for the Dirac particle.[49][50]
He has shown how the energy-momentum-relations in the Bohm model can be obtained directly from the energy-momentum tensor of quantum field theory. He has referred to this as “a remarkable discovery, so obvious that I am surprised we didn't spot it sooner” and has pointed out that, on this basis, the quantum potential constitutes the missing energy term that is required for local energy-momentum conservation.[59]
Hiley has repeatedly discussed the reasons for which the Bohm interpretation has met resistance, these reasons relating mainly to assumptions on particle trajectories.[4][38][51][60][61][62] In a recent work on the quantum Zeno effect, he showed that in Bohm's model a continuously observed trajectory is identical to the classical particle trajectory.[63]
He has stated that his recent focus on noncommutative geometry appears to be very much in line with the work of Fred van Oystaeyen on noncommutative topology.[64]
Mind and matter
Hiley and Paavo Pylkkänen addressed the question of the relation between mind and matter by the hypothesis of an active information contributing to quantum potential.[65][66][67][68]
David Bohm's and Hiley's work on implicate and explicate order is based on the thought that matter and of the content of thought are displayed in explicate orders, while deeper quantum movements as well as the process of thinking, feeling, etc. occur through the activity of unfolding and enfolding in an implicate order. Hiley worked closely with biologist Brian Goodwin on a process view of biological life, with an alternate view on Darwinism.[69] Hiley aims at finding “an algebraic description of those aspects of this implicate order where mind and matter have their origins”.[70]
- F. David Peat (Editor) and Basil Hiley (Editor): Quantum Implications: Essays in Honour of David Bohm, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, London & New York, 1987
- David Bohm, Basil Hiley: The Undivided Universe: An Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory, Routledge, 1993, ISBN 0-415-06588-7
- Basil J. Hiley: Bohm's Approach to the EPR Paradox, Compendium of Quantum Physics, 2009, 55-58, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-70626-7_17 (abstract)
- Basil J. Hiley, Paavo Pylkkänen: Can mind affect matter via active information, Mind & Matter, volume 3, number 2, pp. 7–27, Imprint Academic, 2005 (abstract)
- B. J. Hiley, R.E Callaghan, O. Maroney: Quantum trajectories, real, surreal or an approximation to a deeper process? (submitted on 5 Oct 2000, version of 5 Nov 2000 - abstract, PDF)
- O. Maroney, B. J. Hiley: Quantum State Teleportation Understood Through the Bohm Interpretation, Foundations of Physics, Volume 29, Number 9, pp. 1403–1415, 1999, DOI: 10.1023/A:1018861226606 (abstract)
- D. Bohm and B. J. Hiley: Statistical mechanics and the ontological interpretation, Foundations of Physics, Volume 26, Number 6, pp. 823–846, 1996, DOI: 10.1007/BF02058636, Part III. Invited Papers Dedicated to Max Jammer (abstract)
- O. Cohen, B. J. Hiley: Elements of reality, Lorentz invariance, and the product rule, Foundations of Physics, Volume 26, Number 1, pp. 1–15, 1996, DOI: 10.1007/BF02058886 (abstract)
- D. Bohm, B. J. Hiley: Unbroken Quantum Realism, from Microscopic to Macroscopic Levels, Physics Review Letters, volume 55, number 23, pp. 2511–2514, 1985, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.55.2511 (abstract)
- C. Dewdney, B. J. Hiley: A quantum potential description of one-dimensional time-dependent scattering from square barriers and square wells, Foundations of Physics, Volume 12, Number 1, pp. 27–48, 1982, DOI: 10.1007/BF00726873 (abstract)
- D. Bohm, B. J. Hiley: Nonlocality in quantum theory understood in terms of Einstein's nonlinear field approach, Foundations of Physics, Volume 11, Numbers 7-8, pp. 529-546, 1981, DOI: 10.1007/BF00726935 (abstract)
- D. Bohm, B. J. Hiley: On a quantum algebraic approach to a generalized phase space, Foundations of Physics, volume 11, numbers 3-4, pp. 179–203, 1981, DOI: 10.1007/BF00726266 (abstract)
External links
- Basil J. Hiley: Process and the Implicate Order: their relevance to Quantum Theory and Mind. (PDF)
- Interviews with Basil Hiley:
- ^ B. J. Hiley and M. F. Sykes: Probability of Initial Ring Closure in the Restricted Random-Walk Model of a Macromolecule, Journal of Chemical Physics, volume 34, number 5, pp. 1531, 1961, DOI: 10.1063/1.1701041 (abstract)
- ^ B. J. Hiley, G. S. Joyce: The Ising model with long-range interactions, Proceedings of the Physical Society, volume 85, number 3, 1965, DOI: 10.1088/0370-1328/85/3/310 (abstract)
- ^ M. F. Sykes, J. W. Essam, B. R. Heap, B. J. Hiley: Lattice Constant Systems and Graph Theory, Journal of Mathematical Physics, volume 7, number 9, pp. 1557, 1966, DOI:10.1063/1.1705066 (abstract)
- ^ a b c B. J. Hiley: On the Relationship Between the Wigner-Moyal and Bohm Approaches to Quantum Mechanics: A Step to a More General Theory?, Foundations of Physics, Volume 40, Number 4 (“Jeffrey Bub Festschrift”), 2009, pp. 356-367, DOI: 10.1007/s10701-009-9320-y (PDF)
- ^ Hiley, B. J. (1997). "David Joseph Bohm. 20 December 1917--27 October 1992: Elected F.R.S. 1990". Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 43: 107. doi:10.1098/rsbm.1997.0007. edit
- ^ Basil Hiley (short CV), Scientific and Medical Network
- ^ David Bohm, Basil J. Hiley, Allan E. G. Stuart: On a new mode of description in physics, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Volume 3, Number 3, pp. 171-183, 1970, DOI: 10.1007/BF00671000 (abstract)
- ^ D. Bohm, B. J. Hiley: On the intuitive understanding of nonlocality as implied by quantum theory, Foundations of Physics, Volume 5, Number 1, pp. 93-109, DOI: 10.1007/BF01100319 (abstract)
- ^ D. Bohm and B. J. Hiley: On the Aharonov-Bohm effect, Il Nuovo Cimento A, Volume 52, Number 3, pp. 295-308, 1979, DOI: 10.1007/BF02770900 (abstract)
- ^ David J. Bohm, Basil J. Hiley: Some Remarks on Sarfatti's Proposed Connection Between Quantum Phenomena and the Volitional Activity of the Observer-Participator. Psychoenergetic Systems 1: 173-179, 1976
- ^ David J. Bohm, Basil J. Hiley: Einstein and Non-Locality in the Quantum Theory. In Einstein: The First Hundred Years, ed. Maurice Goldsmith, Alan Mackay, and James Woudhugsen, pp. 47-61. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1980
- ^ a b D. Bohm, B. J. Hiley: Measurement understood through the quantum potential approach, Foundations of Physics, Volume 14, Number 3, pp. 255-274, 1984, DOI: 10.1007/BF00730211 (abstract)
- ^ John Bell, Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics
- ^ D. Bohm, B. J. Hiley: On the relativistic invariance of a quantum theory based on beables, Foundations of Physics, Volume 21, Number 2, Part V. Invited Papers Dedicated To John Stewart Bell, pp. 243-250, 1991, DOI: 10.1007/BF01889535 ([On the relativistic invariance of a quantum theory based on beables, Foundations of Physics abstract])
- ^ C. Philippidis, C. Dewdney and B. J. Hiley: Quantum interference and the quantum potential, Il Nuovo Cimento B, Volume 52, Number 1, pp. 15-28, 1979, DOI: 10.1007/BF02743566 (abstract)
- ^ A. Baracca, D. J. Bohm, B. J. Hiley, A. E. G. Stuart: On some new notions concerning locality and nonlocality in the quantum theory, Il nuovo cemento B, Volume 28, Number 2, pp. 453-466, 1972, DOI: 10.1007/BF02726670 abstract
- ^ David Bohm, Basil Hiley: The de Broglie pilot wave theory and the further development and new insights arising out of it, Foundations of Physics, volume 12, number 10, 1982, Appendix: On the background of the papers on trajectories interpretation, by D. Bohm, (PDF)
- ^ With reference to Bohm's publication of 1952, cited from Basil J. Hiley: The role of the quantum potential. In: G. Tarozzi, Alwyn Van der Merwe: Open questions in quantum physics: invited papers on the foundations of microphysics, Springer, 1985, pages 237 ff., therein page 238
- ^ Basil J. Hiley: The role of the quantum potential. In: G. Tarozzi, Alwyn Van der Merwe: Open questions in quantum physics: invited papers on the foundations of microphysics, Springer, 1985, pages 237 ff., therein page 239
- ^ P.N. Kaloyerou, Investigation of the Quantum Potential in the Relativistic Domain, PhD. Thesis, Birkbeck College, London (1985)
- ^ P.N. Kaloyerou, Phys. Rep. 244, 288 (1994).
- ^ P.N. Kaloyerou, in “Bohmian Mechanics and Quantum Theory: An Appraisal”, eds. J.T. Cushing, A. Fine and S. Goldstein, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 155 (1996).
- ^ D. Bohm, B. J. Hiley, P. N. Kaloyerou: An ontological basis for the quantum theory, Physics Reports (Review section of Physics Letters), volume 144, number 6, pp. 321–375, 1987 (PDF), therein: D. Bohm, B. J. Hiley: I. Non-relativistic particle systems, pp. 321–348, and D. Bohm, B. J. Hiley, P. N. Kaloyerou: II. A causal interpretation of quantum fields, pp. 349–375
- ^ B. J. Hiley, A. H. Aziz Muft: The ontological interpretation of quantum field theory applied in a cosmological context. In: Miguel Ferrero, Alwyn Van der Merwe (eds.): Fundamental problems in quantum physics, Fundamental theories of physics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995, ISBN 0-7923-3670-4, pages 141-156
- ^ D. Bohm, B. J. Hiley: Non-locality and locality in the stochastic interpretation of quantum mechanics, Physics Reports, Volume 172, Issue 3, January 1989, Pages 93-122, DOI: 10.1016/0370-1573(89)90160-9 (abstract)
- ^ a b B. J. Hiley: Information, quantum theory and the brain. In: Gordon G. Globus (ed.), Karl H. Pribram (ed.), Giuseppe Vitiello (ed.): Brain and being: at the boundary between science, philosophy, language and arts, Advances in Consciousness Research, John Benjamins B.V., 2004, ISBN 90-272-5194-0, pp. 197-214, p. 207
- ^ a b B. J. Hiley: Active Information and Teleportation, In: Epistemological and Experimental Perspectives on Quantum Physics, D. Greenberger et al. (eds.), pages 113-126, Kluwer, Netherlands, 1999, p. 7
- ^ B. J. Hiley: Information, quantum theory and the brain. In: Gordon G. Globus (ed.), Karl H. Pribram (ed.), Giuseppe Vitiello (ed.): Brain and being: at the boundary between science, philosophy, language and arts, Advances in Consciousness Research, John Benjamins B.V., 2004, ISBN 90-272-5194-0, pp. 197-214, p. 212
- ^ B. J. Hiley: Active Information and Teleportation, In: Epistemological and Experimental Perspectives on Quantum Physics, D. Greenberger et al. (eds.), pages 113-126, Kluwer, Netherlands, 1999, page 14
- ^ a b D. Bohm, B. J. Hiley: Generalisation of the twistor to Clifford algebras as a basis for geometry, published in Revista Brasileira de Fisica, Volume Especial, Os 70 anos de Mario Schönberg, pp. 1-26, 1984 (PDF)
- ^ a b F. A. M. Frescura, B. J. Hiley: Algebras, quantum theory and pre-space, p. 3–4 (published in Revista Brasileira de Fisica, Volume Especial, Julho 1984, Os 70 anos de Mario Schonberg, pp. 49-86)
- ^ F. David Peat: Pathways of Chance, Pari Publishing, 2007, ISBN 978-88-901960-1-0, p. 127
- ^ David Bohm, Basil J. Hiley, Allan E. G. Stuart: On a new mode of description in physics, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 171–183, DOI: 10.1007/BF00671000, abstract
- ^ David Bohm: Wholeness and the Implicate Order, 1980
- ^ David Bohm, F. David Peat: Science, Order, and Creativity, 1987
- ^ a b c Basil J. Hiley: Process and the Implicate Order: their relevance to Quantum Theory and Mind. (PDF)
- ^ D. J. Bohm, B. H. Hiley, C. Dewdney: A quantum potential approach to the Wheeler delayed-choice experiment, Nature (ISSN 0028-0836), vol. 315, May 23, 1985, pp. 294-297, (abstract)
- ^ a b B. J. Hiley, R. E. Callaghan: What is Erased in the Quantum Erasure? Foundations of Physics, Volume 36, Number 12, pp. 1869-1883, 2006, DOI: 10.1007/s10701-006-9086-4 (abstract)
- ^ Basil J. Hiley und Allan E. G. Stuart: Phase space, fibre bundles and current algebras, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Volume 4, Number 4, pp. 247-265, 1971, DOI: 10.1007/BF00674278 (abstract)
- ^ F. A. M. Frescura, B. J. Hiley: The implicate order, algebras, and the spinor, Foundations of Physics , Volume 10, Numbers 1-2, pp. 7-31, 1980, DOI: 10.1007/BF00709014 (abstract)
- ^ F. A. M. Frescura and B. J. Hiley: The algebraization of quantum mechanics and the implicate order, Foundations of Physics, Volume 10, Numbers 9-10, pp. 705-722, DOI: 10.1007/BF00708417 (abstract)
- ^ F. A. M. Frescura, B. J. Hiley: Geometric interpretation of the Pauli spinor, American Journal of Physics, February 1981, Volume 49, Issue 2, pp. 152 (abstract)
- ^ Basil Hiley, Nick Monk: Quantum phase space and the discrete Weyl algebra, Modern Physics Letters A (MPLA), volume 8, number 38, 1993, pp. 3625-3633, DOI: 10.1142/S0217732393002361 (abstract)
- ^ a b M. R. Brown, B. J. Hiley: Schrodinger revisited: an algebraic approach, (submitted 4 May 2000, version of 19 July 2004, retrieved June 3, 2011) (abstract)
- ^ Basil J. Hiley: Towards a Dynamics of Moments: The Role of Algebraic Deformation and Inequivalent Vacuum States, published in: Correlations ed. K. G. Bowden, Proc. ANPA 23, 104-134, 2001 (PDF)
- ^ N. A. M. Monk, B. J. Hiley: A Unified Algebraic Approach to Quantum Theory, Foundations of Physics Letters, Volume 11, Number 4, 371-377, 1998, DOI: 10.1023/A:1022181008699 (abstract)
- ^ a b J. Hiley: Non-Commutative Quantum Geometry: A Reappraisal of the Bohm Approach to Quantum Theory, Quo Vadis Quantum Mechanics? The Frontiers Collection, 2005, 299-324, DOI: 10.1007/3-540-26669-0_16 (abstract)
- ^ B. J. Hiley, R. E. Callaghan: The Clifford Algebra approach to Quantum Mechanics A: The Schroedinger and Pauli Particles, (submitted on 17 Nov 2010 - abstract)
- ^ a b B. J. Hiley, R. E. Callaghan: The Clifford Algebra Approach to Quantum Mechanics B: The Dirac Particle and its relation to the Bohm Approach, (submitted on 17 Nov 2010 -abstract)
- ^ a b B. J. Hiley and R. E. Callaghan: Clifford Algebras and the Dirac-Bohm Quantum Hamilton-Jacobi Equation, Foundations of Physics, published online 20 May 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s10701-011-9558-z (abstract)
- ^ a b Basil J. Hiley: Bohm Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Compendium of Quantum Physics, 2009, 43-47, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-70626-7_15 (abstract)
- ^ a b B.J. Hiley: Process, distinction, groupoids and Clifford algebras: an alternative view of the quantum formalism, New Structures for Physics, Lecture Notes in Physics, 2011, Volume 813/2011, 705-752, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12821-9_12 (abstract, PDF)
- ^ Maurice A. de Gosson und Basil J. Hiley: Imprints of the Quantum World in Classical Mechanics, Foundations of Physics, DOI: 10.1007/s10701-011-9544-5 (published online 26 February 2011 - [abstract])
- ^ O. Cohen und B. J. Hiley: Retrodiction in quantum mechanics, preferred Lorentz frames, and nonlocal measurements, Foundations of Physics, Volume 25, Number 12, pp. 1669-1698, 1995, DOI: 10.1007/BF02057882 (abstract)
- ^ O. Cohen, B. J. Hiley: Reexamining the assumption that elements of reality can be Lorentz invariant, Physics Review A volumne 52, number 1, pp. 76–81 (1995) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.52.76 (abstract)
- ^ D. Bohm, B. J. Hiley: On a quantum algebraic approach to a generalized phase theory, Foundations of Physics, vol. 11, no. 3–4, 179–203, DOI: 10.1007/BF00726266, abstract
- ^ Melin Brown, Birkbeck College
- ^ B.J. Hiley: Phase space description of quantum mechanics and non-commutative geometry: Wigner–Moyal and Bohm in a wider context- In: Theo M. Nieuwenhuizen et al (eds.): Beyond the quantum, World Scientific Publishing, 2007, ISBN 978-981-277-117-9, pp. 203–211, p. 204
- ^ B. J. Hiley: The Bohm approach re-assessed (2010 preprint), p. 6
- ^ B. J. Hiley: The conceptual structure of the Bohm interpretation in quantum mechanics. In Kalervo Vihtori Laurikainen, C. Montonen, K. Sunnarborg (eds.): Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics 1994: 70 years of matter waves, ISBN 2-86332-169-2, Éditions Frontières, 1994, pages 99-118
- ^ B. J. Hiley: ‘Welcher Weg’ experiments from the Bohm perspective, PACS: 03.65.Bz, (PDF)
- ^ B. J. Hiley, R.E Callaghan, O. Maroney: Quantum trajectories, real, surreal or an approximation to a deeper process? (submitted on 5 Oct 2000, version of 5 Nov 2000 - abstract, PDF)
- ^ Maurice A. de Gosson, Basil J. Hiley: Zeno paradox for Bohmian trajectories: the unfolding of the metatron, January 3, 2011 (PDF - retrieved 7 June 2011)
- ^ Basil J. Hiley: The Bohm approach re-assessed, p. 9
- ^ Active information and cognitive science – A reply to Kieseppä, Brain, Mind and Physics, P. Pylkkänen et al (Eds.), IOS Press, 1997, ISBN 90-5199-254-8, p. 64 ff.
- ^ Basil J. Hiley, Paavo Pylkkänen: Naturalizing the mind in a quantum framework. In Paavo Pylkkänen and Tere Vadén (eds.): Dimensions of conscious experience, Advances in Consciousness Research, Volume 37, John Benjamins B.V., 2001, ISBN 90-272-5157, pages 119-144
- ^ Basil J. Hiley: From the Heisenberg picture to Bohm: a new perspective on active information and its relation to Shannon information , Proc. Conf. Quantum Theory: reconsideration of foundations, A. Khrennikov (ed.), pp. 141-162, Växjö University Press, Sweden, 2002, (PDF)
- ^ Basil J. Hiley, Paavo Pylkkänen: Can mind affect matter via active information, Mind & Matter Vol. 3(2), pp. 7–27, Imprint Academic, 2005
- ^ David Bohm Quantum theory versus Copenhagen Interpretation, YouTube
- ^ Basil J. Hiley: Non-commutative geometry, the Bohm interpretation and the mind-matter relationship, 2000, page 15
Persondata |
Name |
Hiley, Basil |
Alternative names |
Short description |
Quantum theory physicist |
Date of birth |
1935 |
Place of birth |
Date of death |
Place of death |